Growing Older: Inevitable. Feeling Older: Optional!
I love this time in my life. When I was in my fifties I belong to a mass movement of people who refused to go quietly into middle age. I took the yearnings and desires of my heart, along with the dissatisfactions and deep questions, and turned them all into one big call to action!
Men and women age fifty and over can be found reinventing their lives, swapping careers, launching new businesses, bicycling around the world, and completing triathlons.
Dear Younger Me, You Will Get Much Better with Age The truth is that getting older comes with challenges. But it can be an exciting time in life. I am honored to be among the ranks of those who are confident enough in their skin to master the art of aging, which enables me to rediscover my own capacities and to have the courage to make life fabulous at fifty and beyond.
Nine Tips for Being Fabulous Over 50
As you know now, I have spent the last 15 years of my life studying wellness, the art of aging and culinary nutrition as part of my wellness company, "Luv Your Healthy Life, LLC."
Drink six to eight glasses of pure water every day.
Sleep. Develop a regular sleep pattern. Reduce caffeine intake (especially late in the day), reduce alcohol, and avoid eating large, fatty meals that will keep you up at night. Try to aim for eight hours of sleep nightly.
Stretch. Include stretching each day as a part of your balanced exercise program. Focus on everyday activities that will increase movement such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Strength-train. To improve overall strength and endurance of muscles, be sure to include strength-training in your exercise routine.
Taste. enjoy new flavors, cook with new spices, and eat all of the colors in nature!
Don't go back for "seconds"
Commit to live the life God intended for you - one of health, happiness, and purpose!
Commit to continued improvement in all areas of your health and relationships!
Laugh. Laughter is truly the best medicine! Through laughter, blood pressure goes down, muscles relax, and the brain releases endorphins that make you feel great.
These habits won't make you look 30 at 50, but will make you look and feel superb at midlife. Eat to Live!
Real food heals. Eat to feel younger and stronger everyday. My new program that's launching soon is called 'Fabulous at 50 and Beyond' and will talk about nutrition among other relevant topics. It is based on the Art of Aging. This program is everything your mother never told you about getting older - beautifully. It will be six weeks long. You can do it at your own pace.
How I try to live my life: Proper nutrition is an art. It is an art form. Every bite is a brush stroke. Every swallow is a new color. Each meal is a cloud or a tree or a flower - a piece of a beautiful painting that you are becoming. You are becoming an even more attractive work of art each day. (A quote from Health Guru, David Wolfe).
Dreaming of Better Health!
In the meantime, please visit my website https://www.luvyourhealthylife.com/ to get on the mailing list.
In addition, I am available for one-on-one coaching, plant-based kitchen parties, group coaching and wellness walks.
I look forward to hearing from you about your favorite soups, smoothies, plant based recipes and more.
Enjoy your healthy life, Teri Sewell Huff, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach More About Me